Wednesday 24 March 2010

Home from home

Changes, changes, changes.... The story of my life. The fortune teller says over and over again. Everywhere is not home and everywhere is home. (Do I have any other choice?) Moved in to the new place last Thursday and I am still getting used to the ideas of a new home. So I will start a blog which I've thought about often enough. It will be about my chaotic life and food. Oh, food! Forgot to introduce myself: I am a chef and that's about it. You will find out more about me in the coming days through this blog. I've always thought that the best way to know someone is through their cooking. I shall share many of my life stories through many recipes. Best luck to me and you! Whoever is reading this blog! By the way, for the title of the blog? Yes, I am having a glass of wine and many many thoughts.

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