Friday 20 August 2010

Breakfast wraps! Friday is here!

Just I am often wondering What on this earth that they put into those cat treats? I am going to get some of that and make a new kitty perfum for all of us long suffering cat owners. Maybe it will finally improve human and cat relationships. Until then, I am going to continue giving the excess amount of love and patiences and cat treats to my one and only darling-FIFI.

Really he is a very sweet cat. Like all my previous relationships; I am trying to convince myself that he will one day come around and just be calm and offers me his love- consistently. It is there and I can feel it sometimes. It's just that when he is hurting (scratching!) me, I think I have a very good reason to have some reservations. We have our moments and we have our frosty days, often straight after he draws some blood of mine. I cannot help feeling that it's a lot like a real love relationship. We are still learning about each other. For my sake (and his) I hope this is going to develop itself to become a better one.

 I enjoy very much walking home after a long day at work. Partly it is because of my lovely i pod music selections and partly it is because of the wonderful parts of London that I must walked through.
Not that I don't enjoy shopping on the New Bond St. So many shops that You could possibly spent the whole day there and still have to come back for another 1/2 day just to finish it off. My favourite part of my journey is straight after that and through St. James park. I have some pictures to prove just how wonderful it is.
I love walking down Horse Guards Rd and crossing the Birdcage walk. So very pleasant!
My street. What a lovely place- I enjoy living in Westminster! Just like how I was( or rather my parents are), living in the central of the city. I am just around the corner of the Random House- where I always watch their milk delivery man dropping off their dairy supply while trying to catching the morning bus to work almost every morning (unless and this is becoming "too often" that I had to take a taxi at Iron Lung!).

I am so very inspired by my area and Barbra's music- we will have some hearty food recipes tomorrow!

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