Thursday 19 August 2010

A long day.....

So very tired, I am. I simply cannot feel about my legs. Thursday the stock take day. On top of it; Elena has gone on holiday back to Spain and I had forgot to make the birthday celebration cakes last night for work. The only good thing is that I finally received "Love is the answer by Barbra Streisand" cd.
It's comforting music. Great for what had happened recently. My dear FIFi is loyally sitting by my side. I think I will love him always. No matter how many times he has scratched me.

I read "For the love of Norton" recently. I think they do this book under a different name: "A cat abroad" for the US market. I cannot quite explain how I felt about Norton. He simply is a unusual cat: a NON-cat Cat! FiFi is very much the Cat's cat. He attacks me whenever he feels like and he offers no apologies. I can only say that Mr. Gether is a very lucky cat owner. I could only wish that FIFi will one day be inspired to become Norton-like. I would be gladly taking him to all my restaurant visits and order for him lots of delicious dishes. So far, if Monsieur FIFI is happy for my endless kisses, I am lucky already. And I have to admit that I am a very lucky lady today.
Much to Rabbit's delights, we finally did the Mexican day!

Could see how wasted I was. It was a great party. No matter what had happened during the party, we all enjoyed "Pirata" all so too much! Party of four: My lovel neighbour H, my lone suffering ex-assistant B, my present assistant Elena and me.

Posting some documentary pictures to show what I had done while not posting. My lovely Elena. I had forced her to put on my trousers and this is how she looks like. As you could see, she is a much taller lady. Very pretty and I don't know what I have done to deserve to have a such wonderful assistant!
Here she intentionally lowered herself to be on the same level as me. Probably doing so to make sure that my magic phone could take both of us in the picture.


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