Sunday 5 December 2010

At last...

I still cannot believe that I can finally travel freely as the Taiwanese passport holder!

Bless the EU commissioner.

I have shopped all day and cooked all night- for my lovely Canadian client.

The menu is like this:

  • Butternut squash and yellow spilit pea soup made with coconut milk
  • French Provencial chicken stew
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Superfood salad
  • Super mixed fruit salad
  • French apple tart
  • French style brownie
  • Homemade whole grain sour dough
  • Canadian corn bread
I must be pretty fast. I started at 18:30 and it's 01:30 I am waiting for my bread to finish baking.

Well, also thanks to my regular client- I got to know almost exactly how they prefer their dishes and the quantity they would like- through their regular orderings. This- made my job a lot easier.

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