Wednesday 1 December 2010

Snowy day in London!

It's so pretty! The snowy London. I walked in this wet snowy weather and I was smiling secretly under my little blue hat. White flakes drifting from the sky- how romantic?

I love this weather.

It's freezing here in London.
Night falls much faster than it had been in the summer time.
I went back to work after a long weekend.

Asthma is a crazy thing. I've had it when I was a kid. I thought it had left me... until this very weekend- it left me think about death and how short a life is.

I don't want to come to this illogical conclusion that "everytime when I take an over-dued holiday I would have some kind of serious sickness!"

Though last time when I didn't take my holiday until later, much later, I had chicken pox at my tender age of almost 30...

And that was more than 3 years ago.

No point of moaning. The past is a falsified pretty picture. We all remember something that made us feel better.

Snowy days brings back the memory of Germany and Switzerland. So long ago and yet I felt that it was just like yesterday. Beautiful white flakes that reminded me about my solo travelling.

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