Friday 26 November 2010

Nigella Lawson and my own cupboard burgle wheat mix!

I watched NL's tv program last night. She is as pretty as ever- GOD- how do you make such perfect wife/mother material into a human form? I guess Mr. Saatchi have all the answers. He, after all, is the lucky Man to be NL's husband now. I hope he is indeed very nice to her and eat with her for all her fabulous culinary creations!

Anyways, I was inspired by NL. I made a quick burgle wheat mix this evening- Yes I totally agree with her: It's just like some kind of rustic couscous. What a shame I didn't have the vermecelli to make her Greek-ish recipe. But then my brother is in TW and he wasn't a big eater when I left- so be it!

Yes, it's with a bit of spice and yet without you calling out to the glass of tap water!

I love love love NL's programs though. She is a very nice and cool Capricorn lady!

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