Sunday 21 November 2010

RCA Secret adventure!

Well... well...well...

It has been a relaxing and constructive weekend in my household. Now that I even manage to write my 2nd posting for the blog. I am turly pleased with myself.

I went to the RCA Secret 2010 yesterday aftyernoon. Arrived at around 2pm- I left the place with my "surprise" purchase at 5 minutes to 4pm. As the actually buying process took about 1 minute (I am a very quick shopper!). Let's say: I have queued almost 2 hours for a little postcard.

Most of the people probably went for the Master pieces from those famous artists. The fun thing about it is you don't know whose postcard that you are buying. The official description is like this:

RCA Secret is a unique annual exhibition and sale of original postcard-sized art, made by professional artists, designers and illustrators, plus current postgraduate students at the Royal College of Art.

I suppose there must be some specialists on the usual creative styles of those famous artists. They would, I suppose again, to queue from the night before to buy those post cards (4 limited for each person!) at £45 than to re-sell them at the open market.

My motivation was not as such.

Though I would pretty much like to buy a postcard creation from THE Mr. Manolo Blahnik (Yes, he IS on this year! No, I DID check- there isn't any high heel drawings there. I wonder what he made for this occassion?), the reason that I went was purely IDIOTIC! Naivety was the better word for it. I went to support those art students- fine art strudent award fund is where all the money go.

I, myself, was not a very artistic person. I do my small crazily complicated things in the kitchen at times and go to see art exhibitions when I am invited. However, the time that was well spent at the Goldsmiths college only made me aware of the true life style of those fabulously arty people.

If I cannot feed them all. Let's go and buy a postcard from them!

When I came out after 2 hours moving about in the motionless queue. It was freezing! I couldn't even look at my newly acquired postcard for more than 5 seconds before stuffing it back to my bag.

5 minutes after walking down the RCA, there is Natural history Museum with ice rink. Very romantic!
You want to know whose postcard I got?

Well, let me explain how I decided on this very one that I bought.

As it was already 2pm when I started queuing. Most of those more interesting items must have been bought. (They opened the door at 8am...) After one and half hours later in the RCA standing around listening to my music (God bless Ipod!) I finally arrived in the basement and got to look at those 2 big tv sets of what was left for purchasing.

Of course, as I crossed off the numbers on my notes (all postcards are numbered, did I mentioned that there are 2800 of them?)- I realised that it was not possible to get one that I liked in the first place. But then I have queued for 1.5 hours- surely the time mustn't be wasted.

I just went with the colour in the end. Purple is the one that I have in mind. When it was finally my turn to go to the casher- I went for 410. As it was the only one that I could see clearly with my not very good eyes That it is very purple.

The artist's name is Kevin Gaffney. The name of the creation is: Canary.

It is kind of a print or a picture, I am not sure... ( I already say that I am not very arty! I am merely a supporter!)

On his website, there is this story about : a tiger, a canary & a heartless heartbeat.

I must say I quite like this story and how my decision to go to the RCA this afternoon had lead me to it.

Ok..ok...- the canary lookes like a purple chicken or a Chinese dragon with many teeth. I thought.

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