Friday 16 April 2010

B is back!

I am so very happy! My dearest Bernadette is back to the City! It is a positive day. After this semi depressive week I certainly need some encouragements for me to carry on. The first ray of sunshine is coming from Alex, he came back once more to support me at work. Although I understand that it is his last day there but I am glad to see his face nevertheless. The second warmth comes from my yet to get to know new boss. She is completely lovely. And a perfect Virgo! She helped to shift the cloud away at work. On my mind at least. Then I got this text from B, said that she is back. I cannot wait to see her tonight! All the catching up conversation and of course with many glasses of wine while I shall be cooking away. The menu for my lovely students at my old school Gs is as follow:

Chicken and mushroom pie
Vegetarian shepherd's pie
Quiche lorriane
Quiche blue cheese, broccoli and courgette
Quiche oriental
Quiche ratatouille

Banana cake
Apple yoghurt cake
Chocolate brownie
Carrot cake

Plus I am thinking to give them some Falafel and meat balls

I am yet to do some more shopping at my local Sainsburys. Hope all goes according plan.

Happy cooking everyone!

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