Thursday 1 April 2010

Great Americano! Down "N" Dirty rice! I love it!

Still cannot believe that I am actually converted to the American way. But why not? Those people work HARD for what they enjoy. You might think that those evil investment bankers are just wankers, doing nothing all day then partying all through the night with what we normal people make in a month. But check this: on the days that they are not partying, they actually stay in the office in their little cube rooms with 2 or more pc screens until who knows when, then coming in to work at 6 am the next day.

Anyways, this blog is not about spreading Capitalism-investment banking.

So let's start with this Down "N" dirty rice- My style.

I know, the traditionalists would complain to me about not using the chicken giblets. Yes, I understand that- and I would love very much if I could use it at where I work. But the thought of having Chicken giblets on the menu = many of those lovely people that I cook for everyday would not even try it. It stops me there and then. Filli actuallu told me that: Gee! I cannot image you put this on the menu! Down "N" dirty rice!

Well I did. I've made some compromises on the ingredients but all in all, they love it and enjoyed it. This, is what I care about.

You need to get:

200g pork mince (if there are Muslim people that you cook for, change it to beef or lamb)
200g chicken mince
1 red pepper (bell pepper, if you are American), chopped
5 sticks of celery, chopped
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic (you can omit it if the guys you cook for aren't so hot with it),minced
1tbsp cayenne pepper
1 bunch of spring onion (Green onion, if you are American), finely shredded
salt and pepper
3 cups of rice (long grain, basmati, jasmin... you can use the short grain rice but the texture is going to be a bit different!)
2 litre of meat stock

To start:

You take a large pan and fry those mince with 2tbsp oil to medium brown colour (hence the dirty- first part)
Add the chopped onion, red pepper and celery to the pan. Stir fry them for 3 minutes with the cooked mince. Add the rice with garlic to it then cook for another 2 minutes. Fianlly add the cayenne pepper, salt and pepper, cook for 2 more minutes. Pour the hot stock into the rice mixture. If you are using a rice cooker- this part is easy! Transfer all into the rice cooker and push down the botton of COOK! If not, don't worry- put the lid on (and if you don't have a lid for the pot, you will pour it into a large baking dish. Cover the mixture with baking paper leave it in the oven 180 degree for 45-60 minutes.) and cook for 25 minutes. Check the pot half way through, if it seems too dry lower the heat down and add another 1/2 cup of hot water to it.

I have the luxury of rice cooker at work so It's all done beautifully. Serve with hot pepper sauce on the side. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. sprinkle the chopped green onions in the end and stir them in!
