Tuesday 6 April 2010

Que Viet! Viva la Vietnamese PHO!

I have been so lazy.... 4 long bank holidays. I enjoyed it so much in the end... Not so much in the beginning, I was dreaming of cooking my usual routines. I am someone who is born to cook, good or bad depends on your taste. Mostly I'd like to think, with my oriental background, Classic French training and consciousness on healthy eating. I am a greedy eater and I aim to please! Is it such a shame? No! You cook to please! Yours or someone else's mouth. (and heart of course) Always. With Love.

I spent my first day wondering around King's Road doing shopping. Nothing major. Just some little bits in the kitchen. I am longing for a proper Oil drizzler like the Aladdin style, the traditional ones... still cannot get it. I've seen it in Heal's but not anymore. My lovely Divertimenti sells it but at a whopping price: £66. Call me an old fashioned chef. I am not parting with my quids at items priced such as this.

Que Viet, however, was every penny spent worthy. I, as being a greedy eater, ordered 2 starters: shaking beef and beef mince in betel leaves. Despite JD had his usual French brunch. The starer followed by 1 spicy pho and 1 crispy noodle pork. (yes it was for 2 but I was so stuffed afterwards. You wouldn't believe it!) The shaking beef was fabulous! Pan fried beef chunks coated in sesame seeds, with spring onion, tomato and the lovely sweet soy sauce based sauce. Delicious! JD spent most of his starter time picking though the rest for beef chunks. I am happily munching on raw onions and the rest. The beef mince wrapped in betel leaves; is a kind of salad. So lovely (or I was deadly hungry) in such a way that I just don't care for the rest of the dinners, picking up the whole herb BRUNCHes and finishing the lovely Nuoc Cham sauce with the fresh carrot and white radish oriental pickles. The soft blanched rice noodles are also tasty under those betel beef mince rolls.

I thought I was not full until I was in sight of the spicy PHO. Man! Please imaging wagamama with the Vietnamese flair. The sides (bean sprouts, chopped green herbs and sliced red chilli) of the PHO arrived first, then the huge soup with rice noddles arrived later in 1 minute. Steaming hot soup and I requested the SRIRACHA hot CHILLI sauce. JD thought I was crazy! His kind of Cantonese Crispy noodles with pork and sauce arrived the same time. It was tasty, unlike the under salted sea food stuffs at the restaurant near home. ( I am not a soy sauce freak but that was plain..) The spicy PHO was not properly spicy until I drop 1 tbsp of the SHC in and can I say: it was much better. I love the stock already just it wasn't spicy like it says in the menu but then I must remember it is catered for the gerneral public! I worked and worked through the spicy PHO with satisfactions. Not stopping at that; I went on to try JD's noodles although it was soggy already by the time when I had a go at it. Still, the flaour wasn't half bad. Soft and slippery pork slices with the crispy noodles in my imaginations. It cannot go wrong!

JD had a Vietnamese iced coffee at my request and of course I went for the viet beer. Both were not bad. Just remember to stir the iced coffee, unlike me: trying to drink the iced condensed milk in the bottom with a strow. Not very successful!

All in all, I loved the Kingsland road Vietnamese experience. I am glad that I saved the Viet Grill and Cay tre for the next visit. Although I have to say, it was all after I saw Gourmet san wasn't open on the bank holiday Monday. Will tell more on the Gourmet san experience.

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