Thursday 17 March 2016

A day that I didn't want to go to work!

Hey. I know most of you out there have thought about this probably 4 times a week. But it was new to me. I am- as I have time and time again mentioned before- enjoying where I work and those people for whom I cook for, so much. This thought almost never come across my mind. No matter it is 05:40 am when I just woke up or 06:00 pm when I was working on those tiresome data input (registering invoices...)after functioning since 05:40. I have never feel this way. However, last night while I was doing the new menu. I suddenly had this depressive thought coming up. "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO WORK!" I even self-destructively started drinking (of course, a glass of wine- if you must know it was Berrys' House Red, Jean Luc- Terrier & Christian Collovray and very delicious!) at (God knows how!) 01:30.

I am not best at self diagnose but even then I knew, it had something to do with the Dutch guy who single handedly distroyed my professinal pride and comfort.

Anyways, I went to bed at 02:35 and woke up at 05:40 again.

This was today's lunch menu.

Chestnut mushroom and baby spinach soup (Rabbit asked me later how it was made and with ot without OIL)
Roast leg of lamb rubbed with rosemary and garlic (cheat gravy)
Homemade nut (roast) case (that's me!)
Blanched baby carrot, garden pea and sauteed mushroom salad with lemon dressing
Salad of broccoli, green bean and cabbage
Roasted baby potato and parsnip

Everything was easy as peas. And I finished all in time.

Just a little niggering feeling at that back of my head. Mark told me this morning that I should have gone for the Master Chef Competition. I said I would think about it...

Have a mezze menu coming up tomorrow. They are pretty easy as well. I am looking forward to marinated the lamb and chicken and make them into BBQ skewers. NO, let's don't forget about the felafels.

Sunny days in England. Something to cherish.

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