Monday 28 March 2016

Cité Internationale

One of those silly things about me.

I assume a lot.

It may have worked for me foodwise but there is occasionally a surprise in store for me otherwise.

Cité Internationale is one of those.

Previous visits to Lyon, I have always assumed that it's some kind of a (boring...) business centre.

Until my local friend set me straight this weekend.

It has two hotels: Marriott and Crowne Plaza, an UGC cinema, an amphitheatre and a casino. The Musée d'art contemporain de Lyon is there too, plus quite a few restaurants, cafés and bars.

Large Modren sculptures everywhere:

Pizza delivery man?

L'ourson (No not OUR SON. It's a Bear cub!)


I don't know what he is but he makes me smile!

Plenty of outdoor space for children to run or skate or scooter around.

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