Friday 18 March 2016

How to change label name in Blogger?

WHAT A PAIN IT IS to change the labels within Blogger
I "Demi"heartedly was happy I didn't write that many posts before and half heartedly cursing myself for writing so many, while I was doing the dummy's version: editing through each post's label, one by one... because I don't understand the Google search results of: How to change label name in Blogger?

I probably am super dumb but I am pretty sure I am not the only one. So if anyone is as dumb as me, I am very happy to explain how I do it the idiot's way.

1. You go to all of your posts and click on "Edit" and erase the label name and click "update" One by One.
2. Then it's done! Let's hope you are not one of those people with more than 100 posts to edit. I know I was too lazy back then so I wasn't!
3. Happy blogging!

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