Monday 28 March 2016

Véritable Théâtre GUIGNOL!

One of those things that people forever associates with Lyon is GUIGNOL.
His characters: sometimes honest, sometimes shrewd and cunning but always funny and very likeable. It is so much more than just a poppet show, it's culture Lyonnaise.

When we were at the Fourvière Hotel last time, we got chatty with a lady in the courtyard. It turns out that one of the most famous Guignol performing families was having dinner there that night and we were invited to watch their show in the Park de la Tête d'Or.

Véritable Théâtre Guignol
Theatre sitting
Next to the Mini chariot race track
In the same playground with the Carousel
Price and the hours for the Guignol show

Full of children and adults
With Florence and Giugnol
The Director?!
Guignol photobomb!

"Le Théâtre de Guignol amuse les enfants et les gens d'esprit."
~ Guignol amuses children and witty adults.

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