Wednesday 23 March 2016

Carnet Gourmand: Yummy Chinese Food in Lyon

So when Mr. G and I first entertained with the idea of relocating to Lyon. I had a little problem with it. We have always stayed at Le Sixieme so naturally we thought we would find a place there. The problem is: after trying most of the Chinese restaurants there I was slightly disappointed. I am not being snobbish but perhaps we were just too spoiled by all the Cantonese offerings in London: char-siu pork, roast duck, Chinese hot pot, dim sum... The recent wave of Sichuan cuisine restaurants certainly didn't help while I was dreaming away the possibility of our French move. Oh well, I will just have to be Not lazy and make those dishes chez moi then, I thought. During our last visit to secure a home in Lyon we went to this Japanese noodle bar Goramen (which was the One saving grace for me in Lyon back then, more will be dedicated to this little gem later on) on Rue Neuve and I saw this unassuming Chinese place with the usual food pictures outside and an unusual name for a Chinese restaurant: Carnet Gourmand.

You see, the Usual Chinese restaurant names always includes: Wok, Dragon, Jade, Jasmin, d'or (gold), Chine (China), Mandarin, city names like: Pekin, Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong... See The Best 10 Chinese restaurants in Lyon

The current top number Chinese places in Lyon are all named less Chinese obvious. Guess this is a note the potential future Chinese restaurateur/ restauratrice should take?

The restaurant was full of people and Contrary to the common belief; this restaurant was full of Both oriental and European looking people. Interesting... I thought. We made it our mission to go back the same evening for dinner and I must say I was Very pleasantly surprised.

I didn't take any photo for the first time we went. I probably was too busy eating than thinking about taking pictures of them. I had: egg plant with dry shrimps, assorted spicy tripes, tripes steamed with chilli and oyster sauce. Mr. G had the more Normal dishes: beef noodle stir fry and his all time favourite: Chinese mushroom with pok choi stir fry.

Needless to say, apart from the fact that they offer what I am partial to (anything unusual the western sense: tripes, pork trotter, jelly fish, thousand year egg... take your pick!) that they are also very good at doing the what I call "white people's dishes" (sorry!)- Mr. G was completely hooked by their cooking.

So it's settled then, Mr. G said. We can now move to Lyon knowing that we are (he is) safe when I have the sudden oriental food craving...

Mapo Tofu

Steaming hot Beef noodle soup

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